How to Enroll
It is easy and convenient
Before you enroll in a course through IBS Professional Studies make sure that you have reviewed the information on this site carefully
You can enroll in a course at any time. although login fees must be paid at the time of enrollment.
There are three ways to enroll:
Enroll Online:
For Refresher Courses enroll by clicking this "Online Application", complete all the required fields and submit payment at the same time before the time of enrollment. All material will be supplied at the start of the course or workshop.
Enroll Online:
For Workshops/Seminars enroll by clicking this "Online Application", complete all the required fields and submit payment at the same time before the time of enrollment. All material will be supplied at the start of the course or workshop.
By Mail/Email:
You can enroll by "Snail Mail", or "Email" and all material will be supplied at the start of the ecourse or eworkshop.
Email with the subject heading "I Want to Enroll " or "FAX" and complete the enrollment form and "snail-mail it" back with your payment to IBS Professional Studies, PO Box 1197, Goodlettsville, TN 37072.
Allow 10 days for processing of checks or money orders and 5 days for credit or debit cards.